Discuss definitions

You’re not worth it. You’re not free. You’re not rich. You’re poor. You’re weak. You’re ugly. You’re a conspiracy thinker. You’re offensive. You’re dumb. You’re smart. For all of the quotes above, you have associations with what I’ve written. You might’ve said or heard one of them – or multiple. …

For the doubters

Trust your instincts. Isn’t true all the time. Instincts are ingrained patterns. So you’re unconsciously competent in what you should do. But instincts don’t always serve you in the best way. Hesitating before you jump.Responding defensively to an allegation.Thinking your worries are justified, at 3AM. Trust your feeling… Same story. …

On success and patience

Success arises when you do the same thing for an unreasonably long time. Becoming the fastest speed skater in the world. Having a flourishing local bakery as an entrepreneur. Becoming the best videographer for dog videos. Being in constant Zen meditation mode. Whatever your definition of success is. Takes time …

Time is not a constraint

I often catch myself articulating that my biggest constraint is time. But it’s not. Our biggest constraint is perspective. And here’s why. Achievement is a science. You follow the rules, you get the result, it’s that simple. And it is that simple. Getting a result is simple, you just have …

Acta, non verba

Show, don’t tell. Aristotle already knew. And boy is this still true 2000 years later. Culture is built on mimicked behavior. Still. Because of mirror neurons. We do as we see. Employees/colleagues do this. Your tribe does this. Your sports team does this. Kids do this. Family does this. Friends …