What’s the future of writing?

Large Language Models can generate more text in a minute today, than humans could print in a year 500 years ago. And the generated text will even make good sense.

Large Language Models will, sooner or later, even possess the ability to generate real human-like text.

In March 2023 it’s doubtful. But it won’t be doubtful sooner than we expect now.

So what’s the future of writing?

Truth: Nobody knows.

One thing I know for sure.

As long as humans are humans, written words will always be relevant.
(This could change if in the future humans become humanoids = Human-x-Machines).

Written words, we use to exchange experiences, truths, and stories.

And we’re emotional beings. We crave those.


In the year 2000 smart people thought that in 2020 people would have ’translation machines’ in their pocket and could travel all over the world.

What they couldn’t know is that it would be smartphones.

Let alone what those tiny things would be capable of.


In the year 2023, same idea. We just can’t comprehend.

But what I do know is that currently, written words make all the difference for anyone.

So understanding words by reading, listening, internalizing, applying… That makes all the difference.

And the best way to understand a concept of anything is to write about it.

The words appear. And you deem them true or false.

It sets your brain in motion.


Writing makes a big difference.

For you. And for the people you seek to serve.

I don’t say you should write for SEO. Or even to share your scribbles.

My point is: Write to understand. Write to refine the skill of writing. Write a blog. A book. A journal.

And of course, you can apply it to work. But not necessarily.

One way or another, you’ll change the world for the better.

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