For the doubters

Trust your instincts.

Isn’t true all the time.

Instincts are ingrained patterns. So you’re unconsciously competent in what you should do.

But instincts don’t always serve you in the best way.

Hesitating before you jump.
Responding defensively to an allegation.
Thinking your worries are justified, at 3AM.

Trust your feeling…

Same story.

We’re emotional beings. We shouldn’t always trust our feelings, or our instincts.

We should weigh them as information.

What we should do is trust the process.

And, in decision making at any given moment the process of decision making always looks like this.

  1. Gathering information
  2. Weighing information
  3. Making a decision, based on all information gathered, given the weights that you have given.

So what you should do is trust that.

Are you someone who likely doubts decisions after you’ve made them?

Write down 1 and 2: Given the information you had back then, and the importance that you have given to certain pieces of information, you have made decision xyz.

Are you someone who’s just indecisive?

Talk about 1 and 2 with your smart friends. Your 3 will automatically follow.

Are you someone who makes bad mistakes regularly?

Make sure you have the right 1 and 2. Likely your inputs are falling short.

Are you someone who has a life you don’t want?

Time to discover whether or not your 2 are right. Or if you know, but just don’t act. (the act of acting on a decision could be step 4 in the process)

Or are you someone who knows, but just doesn’t act?

There’s only hope for a better world if the people who know act.

And if you’re someone who knows, but just doesn’t act, you should never accept that.

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