A few high-impact decisions

People make thousands of decisions daily. Most of them without you even knowing.

Some are – or at least seem – conscious.

The ‘rarely impactful decision’, you don’t make daily, weekly, or even monthly.

This is not about what you eat (unless you discover an allergy), wear (unless it’ll get you arrested), or go to for leisure (unless you hit something sturdy on the road).

It’s best to 1) identify and 2) focus on the few high-impact decisions in your life.

And think about the parameters that determine which boat you hop on, or which boat you hop off of.

It’s only a few assets that you have, which are leverageable (time, energy, knowledge, desire, decision, mind-space, money, network).

And how and where you leverage those, determines for 100% what your life looks like.

Every high-impact decision impacts either one or all of those assets in a significant way.

And you can also identify high-impact decisions the other way around.

Figure out how what you do (your actions), will uncover how it impacts your leverageable assets, and it will also uncover your decisions.

Simply said: Follow the actions.

I’m not pretending that I know the way, or that I’m perfect at execution.

But for myself, I have identified that high-impact decisions are worth grappling with from time to time.

And I’m striving to allocate my leverageable assets a tiny bit better every day.

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