On trust signals

Trust needs countless signals. It needs to be reinforced to stay intact, because it fades over time. Mistrust only needs one signal. It doesn’t need to be reinforced, because it grows stronger over time. The only thing that helps trust is people who forget, because they lack self-confidence, principles, pain, …


What’s better? Is it the same, for less? Is it more, for the same? Is it more, for more? Is it less, for less? Is it faster? Slower? Harder? Stronger? Softer? Better is a grey area statement. Better is subjective. It’s an opinion. My better is not your better. Your …

Ask for specifics

How was your day? Triggers a “Hey how are you” response… Good. Fine. As opposed to “what made you feel awesome today?” “What was your biggest struggle today?” “What made you laugh today?” “What is your biggest challenge?” If we ask for specifics, we seem better listeners. And we might …

I have to

Are you going to work tomorrow? Or at least next Monday? If so, you have to go to work. Or are you? Imagine a world where you don’t have to do anything. You only get to. You get to… go to work, because you want to make money. You get …

Vulnerability & trust

The narrative always was: We need to trust each other and then we can be vulnerable. It can’t be more wrong. It’s the other way around: When we show vulnerability, we earn trust. So resist the temptation to be perfect with your audience (whether it’s your tribe, partner, colleagues, kids, …

Angry people

People that are/react angry are afraid of something. Fighting and fleeing are responses to fear. If you encounter a person who is (or becomes throughout a conversation) angry; what you definitely shouldn’t do is reinforce their anger by demanding their attention or even worse, demand their understanding of your point …