I have to

Are you going to work tomorrow? Or at least next Monday?

If so, you have to go to work. Or are you?

Imagine a world where you don’t have to do anything. You only get to.

You get to… go to work, because you want to make money.

You get to… stop snacking, because you want to lose a few pounds.

You get to… rise up early, because you want to go for a run in order to get a bit fitter.

You get to, because you might not be disabled. Or you might not be blind. Or you might not be ill, poor or a million other things. You get to breathe, until you don’t.

The beautiful mind shift of ‘get to’ was described in a book that I’ve read recently. Atomic Habits, by James Clear.

Sometimes a change of perspective, from ‘I have to’ to ‘I get to’ is all we need.

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