Some virtues in life, I got to know now at 33

Becoming good at something.

Discovering you’re not good at what you thought you were good at.


Overcoming adversity.

Getting to know yourself.

Sacrificing yourself for others.

Owning things.

Getting rid of things.

Getting to know luxury.

Looking at the same thing, person, relationship, from multiple angles.

Playing a different role.

Practicing Stoicism.

Finding your own truth.

Finding out you’re not right.

Dreaming about wealth.

Setting a personal expense cap for an uncomfortable long period of time.

Disagreeing with people, for the sake of disagreeing.

Being blown away.

Doing uncomfortable things.

Learning to play chess.

Learning to play an instrument.

Teaching something.

Practicing beginners mind.

Looking stupid.

Sitting in silence.

Losing weight.

Gaining weight.

Knowing when to take time.

Knowing when to hack time.

Writing a lot.

Enjoying the silence.

Making noise.

Being outside in any weather.

Being successful.

Being unsuccessful.

Being good enough.



Not saying ‘and more’ after a great enumeration.

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