Subjective things matter

When AI takes over, what will be important?

Not coding.

Not translating.

Not knowledge work.

What will be important is the subjective stuff.

When an AI architect designs 5000 gardens for you, which single one will make you happy?

Which technical solution will work for your company?

What food will I choose today?

Opinions matter.

Forming an opinion is an objective task, but also a subjective task.

The AI suggests that this will be good. But how can I be sure it’s good?

Is that also an AI task?

Making the right decision is also weighing things that sometimes don’t make sense.

Yes. The machine will accelerate the production.

It will even do tactical and strategic work.

But in the end, the subjective stuff – the emotional stuff, the irrational, contradictory, and sometimes even non-understandable stuff… That will be human labor for a while still.

If you’re anxious to become obsolete, maybe jump on that bus.

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