Lessons learnt at 32

I’ve made a habit out of reflecting around my birthday, and here’s what I’ve learned along the way last year. Most often around the new year and my oldest daughter’s birthday. This is to 31 and this 30, and my daddy-birthday 1, 2, and 3.

  • Perspective arises when you take time to reflect. And although that’s a completely unnatural thing to do when the dikes break. But even so, it’s time to take a step back and see where the flood comes from if you want to do something with it.
  • As a human being, the only thing that distinguishes your experience from someone else’s is perspective. Perspective is a diamond with many many facets.
  • Yesterday was the best day to start, the next best day is today.
  • Patience (more of it).
  • Stick to the plan. It’s often not a good idea to change your plan, even though when you are in doubt, that seems a better idea. But why wasn’t the first plan sufficient? What if you would still stick to the plan just by thinking it through another time? I’m someone who has the natural habit to ‘flee ahead’, but just the opposite often makes me flourish.
  • (Don’t forget to) Embrace, be proud of and communicate about what you do. It’s first and foremost important that you spam those who are close to you with your baby. Even if your baby is a company or art.
  • There’s a depth of all knowledge. Once you think you ‘know’, you have just unraveled another piece of the puzzle (woo you!! :D). But there’s no ‘knowing’ to this puzzle, it’s perpetual discovering that you know less.
  • It’s never too late to reconsider a bad decision.
  • What you eat, you become. Literally. Eat more thoughtfully.

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