
Humans have invented language as a way to preserve knowledge over generations, in the culture. Over the last 5000 years we’ve learnt to store language (on papyrus at first) and now we can even store and reproduce visual at scale. Any other knowledge we possess is still preserved in our …

Customer journey truths

In the life cycle of a river, there’s a process of meandering. The river flows where the water encounters the least resistance. The same goes for human behavior. I just read an article, and I’m paraphrasing, that says “the customer journey” is going to change because of AI. And… I …

AI Aliens

Yuval Noah Harari. A historian, philosopher. A brilliant voice on AI. I listened to a recent talk of his, where he speaks about how AI has the potential to disrupt and end human history. Alien intelligence has arrived on planet Earth. And we have created it. What stuck with me …

A 2023 voice

I’ve noticed this is my first writing here in 2023. I used to write daily, then sometimes, then covid, then rarely. And now it’s nearly 4 months ago already. In a world full of noise (deepfakes, AI generated stuff), it’s wonderful to have a real place for your voice. Some …