Inverse thinking

I was brought to the attention of Charlie Munger’s inverse thinking by Alex Hormozi. I find Hormozi a brilliant business thinker and he shares his ideas in a very accessible way.

Inverse thinking is the concept of thinking about a problem the other way around.

What’s a great way to have a good life?

Well, it’s the inverse of not having a good life. What’s a great way to have a miserable life? Well maybe being unhealthy, being unfair to others, being angry, being frustrated, denying your responsibilities, and so on.

How to have a great marriage? becomes how to have a miserable marriage?

How can we create a great company culture? becomes what are ways to destroy company culture?

How will I be fit and healthy? becomes what would I need to do to become fat and lazy?

Answering inverse questions will give you a guide and a frame for moving problems in the right direction. It’s a simple but strong concept.

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