What we want

Big tech serves us as we consume, but don’t mistake that for what we want.

Netflix tells me for every title the % change that I like the content they suggest.

Facebook (& Instagram) give me more content I engaged with.

Google ranks content higher based on the click bait I’ve clicked on in the past.

Spotify plays more music that I’ve listened to.

YouTube suggests more of what I’ve seen before.

Big tech is what we consume for large parts of our lives, getting larger.

But I remember the night, that I sat down for one of the three movies that were on TV. That one I estimated to least dislike. And that I discovered a completely new genre, which became my favourite. It was the day I watched Despicable Me, and I discovered animation movies.

If it was for today’s big tech, I’d probably not discover animation.

We must not mistake relevance based on our past with what we want for our future.

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