
Daddy: Emily, I think it’s a great idea to eat some more porridge. You might be hungry otherwise, when you’re at the preschool later.

Emily: No daddy, my tummy is full, I don’t want any more porridge.

Daddy: Allright babe. You know what, if you’ll have three more spoons, you’ll get a sticker.

Emily: No daddy, I want to determine for myself how many spoons I want to eat. And then i’ll get a sticker!

Daddy: Alright, sure babe, how many spoons will you eat still to get your sticker?

Emily: TWENTY! I want twenty spoons!

**and Emily finishes 20 spoons. Counting every one of them slowly and thoroughly.

You see. People (kids are a great and pure example) have the deep desire to be heard and experience a certain degree of power over things, in their lives. And when I provided Emily with that, she immediately used that power and significance.

And, she crushed my expectations and needs. It’s that simple!

I believe there are a couple lessons in here…

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