On vaccines

When vaccines were invented over 100 years ago, there were no phase 1, 2 or 3 trials. There was just a man with an idea and people desperate enough to volunteer to put crap into their body with a needle. We commonly died of pox, polio and mumps.

When WO1 was about to end, millions of people died due to the Spanish flu. No vaccines…

And now, there are vaccines approved and distributed around the world. We live in a world with many ‘luxury problems’. Considering the fact that you will probably have access to a vaccine, likely you live in a wealthy country.

Let’s note that we’re not there yet. For example: poor countries are last (if even) in line for the vaccines…

Let’s celebrate medical advancement over the last 200 years today, as the EMA approved the Pfizer vaccine.

It’s not a perfect system, but clearly it’s resilient.

Now let’s work together towards a future with equal opportunities for all humans, starting with health opportunities.

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