A deeper level of patience

The period between Thanksgiving and Christmas could be called reflection season, if you’re into reflecting.

I love reflecting; since it’s looking back ánd forward, whilst standing still.

It’s super interesting to see what learnings you’ve gone through in a short period of time, and how you can internalize them moving forward.

So I’m kicking off this month of reflection here and now.

One of the very obvious 2020 learnings for me was a deeper level of ‘patience’.

Corona has taught me that even when things go south very rapidly, you shouldn’t forget what you’re doing. What the core is of what you do and believe.

If the surroundings change, it’s really easy to immediately start changing what you do and sometimes even why you do it.

But what if, just what if, you had a little more patience, to see how things play out, and don’t change your ‘do’ and ‘believe’ in the meantime.

Chances are, that you don’t have to change what you do and why you do it. You just wait until the waters calm and then pick up from where you were left off.

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