Ideas over hierarchy

Steve Jobs’s vision on creating an organization that changes the status quo is to let ideas always win over hierarchy.

Create an organization where ideas win.

Such a simple message, and who would disagree? Why would hierarchy win over ideas, ever?

But is the status quo that we live in a world the best ideas win? No, we don’t. The best ideas rarely win.


Because the system dictates that hierarchy often wins over ideas. Because people with the loudest voice or the largest guns are listened to. Simply because that’s the way we accept it is.

To change this, you need to change something that’s at the root of our culture and at the fundament of our beliefs of what’s important: status.

Status is a belief, a religion if you will.

People who qonquer the rest level up. That’s status.

But if everyone disagrees to conquering and embraces ideas, the world might just be a better place.

People who have the best ideas level up. That’s changing the status quo.

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