Being sick is one thing.
Being sick and having to take care of other sick beings is another level.
It brings me back to thinking about the domains model I started writing and thinking about on Jan 9th of this year.
The whole family is sick at the moment. We’re not making progress. We’re living to fight another day. And bad behavior (food etc) kicks in.
But still I have made progress in my mind.
I can shine some more light on the domain of “Mental- being, and flexibility” I wrote about earlier this year, and the “backbone system” I wrote about a couple of days later. Because I have noticed some things today.
In January I have introduced a non-negotiable morning routine. And now I have been sick for a few days and my morning routine fell apart.
This time it feels different. I feel a pilot flame inside. A sense of trust: I just have to pick up the morning routine tomorrow or in a couple of days to get back on the right track. Not just with the routine, but with my physical health, work focus, purpose and my family and connection.
I’m very curious if I can trust this process as a backbone. Let’s see.
Notice. Plan. Focus. Trust.