The ’talk / fix’-paradox

We have stepped into a new home in June 2016. And in three years we never fixed a CV-maintenance contract. It never entered top priority. However – at least last couple of months – we talked about it more often. The risk of non-maintenance increases bit by bit. Now I have arranged a contract and an instructor.

The total amount of time spent talking about getting a maintenance contract, googling, frustrating and talking even more, was about 2-4 hours over the last year. However it took me 5 minutes to complete a good orientation (there’s not so many maintenance companies in my area, and fewer are 5-starred in Google). Moreover in 5 minutes I got the information straight and submit it online, and fix the contract. 10 minutes of doing, not thinking and talking.

What I have learnt is this: sometimes we seem to insist on talking about our problems instead of fixing them. Attaching ourselves emotionally, when it’s actually a very, VERY, small effort to fix. That loose screw in the chair. That clogged well. That blog we want to write.

There’s no rational motivation. I think it’s just human so sometimes attach emotionally instead of rational. And to push stuff forward. We like to be distracted instead of focused. We wait until it’s a top priority, but actually way too late. Now that I notice, I will do something about it.

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