Since about two months, I’ve changed my way of processing information in meetings.
A closed laptop on the table. An open Moleskine Cahiers, lined note journal and a Parker pen.
The benefits I discover are stunning. I focus much more and intense on the conversation. And moreover, I only write down the essence of what is spoken about or agreed upon.
Writing forces your brain to capture the essence of what is said. Whilst typing can be done without engaging in what you actually type. Which in its turn can be almost literally what is said, because of your typing speed.
In various studies, it was discovered that people that take notes by writing learn better, retain information longer and more readily grasp new ideas.
In the end, the difference is not made by the ease and connectivity of the tool that you put information in, in the most efficient way.
It’s the brain that puts the information there, aiming to do something with that information in the future.