A starting room

Gazing with a sheepish look, to one another to the wall, to the floor, to the ceiling. Maybe reading an old magazine from the pile. Or, ofcourse, staring at the 2×5 inch screen in our hands.

It’s a classic waiting room scene.

We have accepted that waiting rooms are a negative experience. Or, in best case it’s a neutral experience. But what if we made it a positive experience?

The waiting room is the first touchpoint that we have with our doctors, dentists and physiotherapists.

What would happen if we turned the waiting room into a starting room.

A place where your therapy, treatment or experience already starts?

That it doesn’t matter how long the ‘wait’ is, because it’s no wait.

There’s something to improve there.

Now you can’t go back seeing this, and it’s time to figure out ‘how’.

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