A Slack for quotes

Last week I talked with someone about the topic of ‘inspiration’. And our common habit of seeking inspiration and wanting to store inspirational quotes and images that resonated. Apart from my post on internalizing, from 2019, I do practice storing beautiful quotes, articles (and more). Once in a while, I …

Depth of thought

Every time you think about something, you deepen your knowledge of the topic. It seems obvious that once you’ve made up your mind about how you think about something, you wouldn’t need to reconsider. However, in the assumption of continuous expansion of your vision in life, the same thought will …

Hard vs. easy paradox

Recently I’ve come across some trouble in business that after analyzing it, it seems to come down to a paradox I have known for quite some time. Hard choices easy life, easy choices hard life. By world champion Jerzy Gregorek. But this truth seems to far exceed ‘discipline’, what Jerzy …

LTV/CAC relationship

I’ve recently come across the relationship between CAC (customer acquisition cost) and LTV (lifetime value). This relationship is broadly used in thr startups and investments world. The CAC starts high and ends low. LTV starts low and ends high. The crossover in time is magic: When LTV outgrows CAC. A …


I recently came across this concept of imagining that what you are doing, it’s the last time you do it, even when it’s probably not. The idea is to do this a few times a day, no matter what you’re doing. I’m intrigued by what this has done with me …

For every user

TikTok makes one dollar per user, Twitter makes five, YouTube makes seven, and Facebook and Instagram make nine. TikTok is doing the worst. But is it? The point is, the system of ads is broken and was already a long time ago. People are done with in-your-face – experience interrupting – ads, and TikTok is one of …

Crossing a line

Some lines aren’t crossed easily. Some are crossed without any effort. After we’ve crossed a line, it’s often easier to cross it again. And again. Until you even cross it without knowing there used to be a line. What brings you joy and wisdom in life is to review and …