If no one asks for it

Possibility and anxiety are the greatest breaks on your vehicle. If no one confronts you with either one. What projects are you going to push forward? Or cancel? What are you going to do today? Our deepest motivations can make us dare greatly and do wonderful things. Don’t wait for …


Theory is far from reality without practice. Before you understand the theory you have to do. Internalizing by practicing (very small) is one of my greatest learnings this year. There’s a difference between knowing how to build a successful company and building a successful company. A difference between reading or …

The mail email ratio

People used to jump on emails. Finally, something different than mail. Now people jump on mail. Finally, something different than email. What’s convenient tomorrow, audio mail? We would jump on emails. Can you imagine? It’s not the medium. It’s the potential to let your message stand out.


Scoring comes from the old Norse language. It means making a mark. It was probably used for counting sheep and carving a mark into a stick. From what you are doing, what is worth carving into a stick? What is worth making a mark for today? What did you score?

Finding a new perspective

Looking at stuff from a new perspective is a wonderful thing. I recently managed to obtain new perspective for my podcast. Since a couple of months ago I was in the paradox of inviting people, via their story. For them. That’s because my podcast is about shifting stories, entrepreneurship, marketing …

Cheering brands

The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up. Try to do a small act of kindness every day, just like Morgane Michael proposes. You can be cheering on your customers as well. By cheering your customers up when they have a problem. Or when they …