Rain, tax
Those are inevitable. What do you do when things are inevitable? And what’s not inevitable, but you do treat like rain and tax?
Those are inevitable. What do you do when things are inevitable? And what’s not inevitable, but you do treat like rain and tax?
In deze episode praat ik over mijn ervaring met mindfulness. Samenvatting: Wat is mindfulness, waarom jij het moet gaan doen, hoe je het doet en hoe je het kan toepassen in je leven! EPISODE NOTES Apps waar ik over praat in deze ep Headspace! (mijn personal favourite) CALM Verder hoor …
In deze episode praat ik over Masterminden: een nieuwe trend waar je misschien af en toe wel iets over hoort. Dus hierbij: wat is het, waarom wil je het, hoe doe je het en hoe kan je het in je dagelijkse leven doen?!
Most of the things we do daily, we have a routine for. We do, instead of see. And that’s perfectly OK. Recently I’m thinking about noticing a lot, because it more and more seems like the center of many things I have a passion for. Marketing: if we notice, we …
When you’re stuck, don’t put your energy in the missing piece of the puzzle. That what your brain tells you to do. We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them, though. What you should do is change the game. Turns out that the …
The word ‘relationship’ can be cut into 2 pieces. ‘Relation’ is the piece that comes from relating, the Latin relatus, which means ‘being related by blood or marriage’. It has grown into being related. And then there’s the ‘-ship’, that comes from Anglo-Saxon language and is described as ’to create, …
The strongest driver for change is a need to do something different. To have that need, you must have noticed that things can change. That it can be done differently. Noticing is thus the strongest root for change. You need to make time to notice, and to open your eyes …
Our brain craves firsts. We crave new, exiting, special, different. At the same time our brain demands habit, the same, structure, standard. Whatever we tell ourselves, we need both. Starting from a place of peace and peaceful. Creating firsts and repeating the firsts that free us, that’s what we should …
Doing what you have always done is the easy choice. Doing what you have never done is the hard choice. Doing something that you would never do and will likely fail is downright scary. Choose your pick. There’s no good or bad decision, although the choice will define you.
We call it ‘mission’, when actually we want to say “this is why we show up”. We call it ‘core values’, when actually we want to say “people in our company do things like this”. We call it ’tone of voice’ when actually we want to say “people in our …