Culture slang

“Normal is already crazy enough.” That’s Dutch slang. It’s a culture thing. It’s shallow and deep at the same time. Slang is bold and subjective. Specific language for a certain group of people, behaving a certain way. People like us doing things like this. What marketers can learn from slang …

First 365

I believe in routines, like close to religion belief. To me, I unconditionally believe that if you make progress every day, you will eventually grow beyond what you can see, imagine or even dream on day one. Progress is the currency in learning. Today I am publishing the last blog …

The smart move

Entrepreneurship isn’t something I do because I want to earn big money. It’s a journey of freedom, learning and solving interesting problems. I have figured out that making smart moves is one of the things I have a big impact on. Enforcing smart moves requires us to take the long …

The pro’s

There’s enough shortcuts to be taken. Always. But don’t try to find all shortcuts by yourself. The pro’s are the people that multiply your investment in them. By challenging you to think (different). By taking work from your hands, replacing it with more valuable work. By doing their craft, what …