Social Minima

We all talk about social media The term is sometimes talked about (and I agree) as unsocial media. Let’s initiate a new term. Social Minima. The minimum amount of social digital interaction you need. Of course this appeals to the outrageous use of ‘social’ tools and my deep urge to …

Stress levels

Today I talked to my brother in law and he said something about how he identifies his stress levels at work. He identifies 3 levels. There’s a basic stress level that comes with the work you do. That’s your basis level. Then there’s a flow of stress every now and …

Fear of focus

Fear of missing out: the anxiety to miss something whilst doing something else. Fear of focus: the anxiety to focus, because you might miss something wilst doing something else. Fear of focus is a niche in Fear of missing out. fof = fomo, but fomo ≠ fof. Fear of focus …

Work a day ahead

If you do the daily work, you’ll notice that progress comes with the process. I have this habit already a couple of months with all the content I create, only to notice today that I hugely appreciate it: working a day ahead. All my posts that are strong and stress …

Late warnings

In Black Friday week the webshop Logistics partners still aren’t used to the insane crowds ordering best priced deals. It occurred to me that even though webshops and even trade associations advertise for this with “Late warnings”, consumers act like it’s a normal week. We consumers still expect to have …

Today a year ago

The Butterfly Effect is derived from chaos theory, and one way explain it is by giving the example that the flapping of a butterfly in once place can result in a tornado elsewhere, several weeks later. Do you remember what you were doing today a year ago? Scroll back in …