Searching vs. Stroking

When we recently went through security in Marsa Alam airport, all people were searched. Searching. That’s what happens in security at airports. Our – now two-minus-two-weeks – daughter made a comment on what she was seeing. “Mama, that man is stroking” I only just then realized that there’s a very …

Backbone system

Everyone has a backbone system. It’s the behavior you display when stuff occurs ‘out of the ordinary’. I’ve noticed that when I come across a set-back in my life, I’m going to allow myself more ‘bad’ behavior like bad eating, less sleep, more coffee, more digital numbing (YouTube, social media) …

Domains in life

Often domains in life are defined as ‘boxes’ and ’themes’. Goal is optimizing energy or health. Or life. And I see them every now and then, popping up somewhere. I’m interested in defining some as well, coming from my current worldview. I will probably to this sometimes again. Master the …

Time perspective

Only 100 years ago we’ve invented a car that more than 10X improved our mobility. Internet for the masses? 20 years. Mobile phones for the masses? 10 years. Smart homes for the masses? In 5 years. You see, we improve so rapidly. But remember that there was a time people …