
Most things in the world are here only by the grace of that they are here together. No humans without other humans. Dogs need dogs. Trees need bees. We’re here not only because of each other, moreover, we are here for each other. We’re here to create each other. This …

The orange cross

“You sit here”, says an orange gaffa-tape cross with written on it the number ‘9’, on the desk in my workplace. Of course, the cross doesn’t literally speak. But it does tell me that this is my place for now. Because we have a social-distancing policy in the office. And …


What we do every day becomes our legacy. The contribution may be small, even very small. One minute, five minutes, ten, fifteen. Your dreams of writing that book, creating that painting, becoming a photographer, being a chef, becoming a yogi: they require just that one small effort a day to …

The changing game

We all insist on playing the changing game every now and then. Whether we’re aware of this or not. Especially people living under the same roof, friends, and coworkers. Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that, you’ve done this wrong, you can do that better, you better …

100% focus

If you try to be a happy and aware person, enjoying as much of your life as possible, probably you’re doing one thing wrong. You’re applying 100% focus to everything you do. 50% to 80% of focus for what you do should be enough. I’m not saying you should multitask. …

For free

Some things are without obligation, but do free things exist? A free shipping policy, is one way or another paid for with higher product-prices, lower salary and thus probably less quality personnel, lower margins and thus a less quality total product. Or something else. Subsidies are paid for by other …