A complex world
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci
Without memory or imagination, there’s just this moment we have. This week, let’s focus more on the moment at hand to extrapolate it to where we want to go. We’re all full of imagination about what’s going to happen, how that will be for us, etc etc. The opportunity is …
When we want something, like losing weight, a gold medal, a promotion, we fight the status quo. We make food our enemy, second-place our enemy, colleagues. Whoever, whatever, whichever is the problem between us and our deepest desire. But that’s the blocking thing. That foe. That boogieman who is always …
Deadlines are remarkable things. They seem to channelize focus, effort, mindset, synergy and so much more. Creativity. Courage. Don’t let the clock lure you into making bad decisions. But do let it work for you.
One of our greatest illusions is that we can control the story we are in. Our story unfolds, and we only have so much power to influence that ourselves. A gigantic part of what we were, are, and will become is compiled of luck and coincidence. Only the last (few) …
Good compliments are empathic, personalized and, well-meant. Not from your own narrative, but see it from the other person’s view. The ripple effect of a compliment is immense. And it does not even closely match the input. It can’t be repeated enough how important it is to compliment people, and, …
Do you recognize this? Losing weight is a problem to you. Or planning is a problem to you. Cleaning your house is a problem. Taking care of your finance is a problem. We all just have problems in our life we can’t seem to solve. They haunt us. Because this …
At the start of this week, take the foot off of the pedal. Take time to reflect, plan, appreciate. Last week’s leftovers: review, remove, plan. We all have 24 hours a day. Quit leftovers strategically: early. If you’re in something the long haul, don’t quit. Focus on the change you …
Parking in front of the neighbors house, in a public spot. Is it your right to do so, or is it your moral duty to not do so. Using your freedom of speech to make your point in a BLM discussion. Right or moral duty? Strong moral and ethics are …
Do you want more or fewer problems? Easy to answer right? Of course, we all want fewer problems. But there’s no such thing as an optimum of problems in your life. There’s no ideal number of problems. We would prefer to trade problems with more wealthy people. Or people with …