
All successes come from focused attention and the love for a process. Otherwise, it’s not a success. We call that luck. That’s another topic. In time, we’ll learn to attribute success to a successful process, instead of to a rigid goal.

Value packs

In the western world we’ve created a habit of creating ‘value packs’ in fast moving consumer goods. When something sells with high frequency we just make a bigger packaging with the sales-like visuals shouting ‘value pack’. People don’t even check if the bigger packaging is cheaper anymore. We know people …


The silence builds up and a fully packed concerto hall is waiting in that silence. People are scared to breathe, waiting for the conductor to move and the first notes of the concert to start. That conductor determines what happens. Who, what, when. Creating the tone in the music. The …


When we act, what, how, why… Most of our successes are dumb luck. It’s not about timing when to. What makes people experienced, is mainly lessons learnt on when not to pay attention and when not to act. Luck may or may not give us a fortune. Experience moves us …