Men flu

Most women know this. Their man, every once in a while, has the ‘men flu’. It’s something like a real flu, cold, headache, light fever… But. In this case the symptoms and suffering is exaggerated strongly. That strong man for the outside world, now needs hugs, kisses and needs to …

Progress is motivation

We get motivated when we see change happening. Even the slightest. We then come to the belief that the change we seek to make is possible. What we want to achieve can be plotted on the axis of possibility and importance. Even unimportant things we can achieve, we might. Impossible …

What is right?

There’s all sides of the political spectrum. There’s complot thinkers. And people who use the name complot thinker to promote their own belief of truth. Now we’ve found ourselves in a Corona situation. But how to deal with it? And what’s the truth? There’s two sides to each coin. Stop …


Most often when we disagree with other people, we don’t disagree on the situation. We just have different ways of expressing. So if you disagree with someone: firstly, summarize in your own words what the other person thinks. Then ask if you have understood it right. You probably had a …

Decide to

Since the internet, all information is available to anyone at any time. Changemakers like you aren’t the people who just have the information. They aren’t the people who decide to know. Changemakers are the people that decide to act upon what they know and how they see it should be. …

What Steve started

Like no other, Steve Jobs could create buzz around something. It was one of his superpowers. Steve was a brilliant marketer. One of a kind. 15 September 2020 – we mark his 9th passing anniversary next month – is the first September release in over 10 years that Apple didn’t …

Rethinking monsters

“Daddy there’s a monster” Since the last 3 weeks I was really starting to unappreciate this sentence. When I brought Emily, our 2,5 year old to bed, monsters appeared just when the kiddo needed to be quiet – of course they weren’t real. And getting rid of the monsters was …

Ripple effects

11 September 2001 planes crashed in the Twin Towers. Since then, the world has changed. It would’ve changed anyway, but I keep fsntasyzing about what has lasting impact and how that works… Was the person who would discover the AIDS vaccine or who solved Malaria in there and died that …


Something you do and forget boundaries. Time, space, possibility, probability. When you do what you love, we call that hobby. We often want the result of something we don’t want to go through the process of. We can solve that with love. How do we love?