We have gone too far

Facebook has declared that from now on it bans ads that call voting fraud. Some people understand systems so well that they understand how to manipulate them in a way that surpasses all ethic conversation. This, of course, appeals to Trump – in the running for re-election in November – …

Neuro influencing

Influencing a customer on a level below the conscious mind, it’s an interesting tactic for more sales. However, nothing beats a great product with outstanding service, sold to the people you seek to serve. Taking shortcuts can absolutely work and even be favourable. What happens is that many marketers focus …


Did Apple become market leader because of their great product, or their ’think different’ campaign (and then some)? Did Google win because it returned great results or because it had no irrelevant ads? Does Nike win because their shoes are superior or because they have a narrative? In the end …


There’s no way we can define followership, except when we relate it to leadership. In our Western culture and societies leadership is promoted. Followership doesn’t even have it’s own definition. Followership isn’t promoted. Why? When we follow, we have so much more mind space available to learn than when we …

Minimum available

Minimum viable is applicable to so much more than MVP’s. If you learn to apply minimum viable as Being imperfect doing, rather than overthinking Sharing unfinished rather than not sharing Taking an ugly step rather than waiting. What you embrace is process over goal. If you use the minimum (time, …

It doesn’t matter

At a certain moment in life, we discover: whatever happens, it actually doesn’t matter. And that opens up a mental discussion to whether things matter or don’t. In the end, we’re all drops in an ocean, begging our surroundings for ‘meaning’. But let’s say it’s not. If there’s actually no …

To reach the masses

For what purpose would you reach the masses? The government in The Netherlands has paid a Dutch influencer with 1mio followers, to spread a certain message about Corona in April 2020. In September 2020 the same influencer goes viral with the opposite opinion… We can reach the masses if we …