The second chance

When we decide things, our job in social traffic is to get our considerations across. Understanding each other’s decisions establishes trust. Bit by bit. When we don’t understand each other’s decisions, that breaks trust (instant, definitely). When someone asks you to reconsider or to hear them out, they grant you …

A social dilemma

The conversation on the Netflix original social dilemma is becoming mainstream. And just like all mainstream conversations, it will fade when something else, new, fresh, comes among. So we can make new social posts about it, our chat in our group chat apps. Once the social dilemma talk is gone, …


When you come across this word it either means that is impossible to change the status quo, our someone isn’t planning to do a particular thing. Whatever the case, there’s always a choice. Are you going to live with ‘no’, or are you going to do something about it?

Rethinking the Corona app

Installing a completely privacy safe Corona app, increasing the risk of overcoming coronavirus together, sounds like a no-brainer. Right? Not if it’s up to the founder of Myndr. Because even though the tracking system is brilliant, it increases the dependency on our mobile phones… We’re slaves to our devices, although …

Trust and belief

Since the start of the Corona period, to me it seems like there’s more polarization and opposing opinions than ever. We call out other people on their opinion, and we judge them for it. Instead of being curious and finding new grounds together. Then we go back to our social …

Gratitude habits

I am trying the alpha test for an app that asks you for just one simple question per day: What are you grateful for today? Gratitude is a powerful antidote for anger, fear, frustration, impatience and so much more. So having this prompt every day (in my mailbox on a …

Healthy habits

You can’t say “I have a newborn, so I don’t sleep”. You still decide to use the other hours in the day for other things than nurturing the baby. And you must plan that, it’s ultimately your responsibility to decide and act on this. The fact that you’re owner of …