People remember the ending

From a book, people remember the ending. From a TV ad, people remember the ending. From an argument, people remember the ending. From conversations to events, from working days to giving birth. War. Peace. Hot. Cold. A game. Sleep. Endings of anything are disproportionately credited in our minds. Think about …

Duty calls

The highest form of commitment is our duty. We call upon duty when we ‘sort of’ say that there’s no choice but to do the task that’s layed out for us. Whether we like it or not. But duty isn’t any more than a greatly marketed term in our culture …

The right commitment

The commitments we make and follow through, determine what we accomplish in life. There’s no excuse to make when we own every decision, and, whether or not we choose to follow up on it. Making commitments isn’t the skill that distinguishes us from others. It’s honoring the right ones.


Asking for help is a far more vulnerable way to seek progress when you’re stuck, than trying to solve the puzzle yourself without the risk of being rejected. But it’s also the best opportunity to find new perspective that will instantly move you forward.

The right person

As creators we’re putting stuff ‘out there’. Sometimes we pretend not to care about what people think about what is out there. Sometimes we literally don’t care what people think about what we’ve put out there. But always there’s an impact. It’s not about how many people pick up your message. …

The wisdom paradox

When we become ‘smarter’ – better at something – we less and less believe that we need new or extra information. We (think we) know, because we’ve seen it before. But even though there’s an insane amount of we’ve seen it befores… You’re never sure. So our blind spot grows …

Anger is fear

Fear to be robbed from a worldview. Fear to lose something. Fear to be smaller. Fear of being alone. Fear of being misunderstood. Fear to experience pain. Fear to fall, or that you’re not strong enough to stand up. Anger is so unneccesary. And fear is just a thought. A …