Create a solid culture

A new person in a culture of 2, has 50% addition/impact on the current culture. The next person 33%. 25%. 20%. The twentieth person only has 5% impact on the current culture. She follows. Adapts. As newborn entrepreneur you have counties responsibilities. Creating a solid culture that does right by …


The road to shared experiences, engagement, empathy, honesty, growth is via connection. Connection accelerates growth in numerous manners. Make a connection today, that you would not have made otherwise. It will amaze you. Maak connectie De weg naar gedeelde ervaringen, toenadering, empathie, eerlijkheid, groei is via connectie. Connectie versnelt groei …


When I was a kid, I dreamt about becoming rich. Nowadays, the dream has not changed, only the definition of rich is continuously changing. Rijk Toen ik klein was droomde ik ervan om rijk te worden. Vandaag de dag is die droom niet veranderd, alleen de definitie van rijk is …

Choosing yourself

Prioritizing above all is making a choice for yourself, first. To know and act upon your own highest need. To realize that’s to be prioritized above all else. When someone else’s priority not just demands your energy, but is ready to be your highest priority: That’s when you should give …

Climate and nature

Some time ago, the conversation about ‘climate’ has become one about truths and untruths. A political debate. The debate is about emission, pollution, clouds, temperature is or is-not rising, poles are or are-not getting smaller than ‘normal’ nature behavior, complying or not complying with Paris agreements. The conversation at dinner …


Most people tend to focus on busywork. Take any new customer. Accept any invitation. Execute all parts of a plan simultaneously. Instead of any, focus on priority. What is currently the utmost priority to create success? Stop doing the rest. Do that thing, even if it’s for the whole day, …

The pile

Imagine a mailbox where incoming mail would not fall on the top of the pile, but at the exact spot where its priority is. What would be on top of your pile right now, if you had such mailbox? De stapel Stel je voor dat je een mailbox had waar …