
Who asks Why a marathon is 42.195 meters? Why Queen decided Bohemian Rhapsody is nearly 6 minutes? Why Dan Carlin’s podcasts are sometimes 16 minutes and sometimes 6 hours? What’s the distance between Sun and Earth? Why did God only send 10 Commandments to Moses? Why some books need 60 …


The hardest thing for us is not becoming aware of something we need to change. It’s not the changing itself either. It’s the decision to devote mind space, time and energy to it. If you decide, acting is merely a result.

Change your mind

One of the things that I learnt, is that changing our mind is one of the ways we can distinguish humans from computers. Better decision making is not merely considering all factors and weighing them. That a computer can do. It’s our human ability to reconsider and weigh again, a …

The list

Task lists are not as useful as you might think. It’s not the list itself. It’s the process around it. A task list provides you with the false certainty that if you do all stuff on the list, you win. The thing is. Chances are that currently more than half …

We need to communicate

We tend to forget that communication is at its best when it’s voluntary. Spontaneous. Authentic. We often say “we need to” when we talk about promoting something, creating engagement, building a community. Like there’s a overarching goal. Although, what we actually intend to say is “we want to”.