Happy Christmas 2019

A moment of reflection, gratitude and humility. Christmas always makes me think of the big things in life, like history, human connection and belief. But of the small things as well, like gratitude for the small things in life, being mindful, being healthy, a sunny day and things that put …

Learnings in December

December comes with the possibility of looking back to a year. Christmas Holidays often create space and perspective. What moved you forward this year? And what didn’t? It’s not what you come across that defines you, it’s how you encounter it and learn from it to become better.

Parenting lessons 12/2019

Since the last months we start actual conversations with our little nearly-two year old girl. An important parenting lesson for me personally is that I can rethink everything to improve communication quality. “nohoo, you can’t pull anything out of the dishwasher baby, I am putting stuff in!” Turns into “Yay, …

Your label

In a conversation with a friend I discovered that you can profile yourself with the people servicing you. If you are serviced by a marketing agency, that’s different from being serviced by a growth hacking agency. Although they might do exactly the same. It feels different. If that’s the case, …

Process Vs purpose

I’m learning video, taping and mic’ing myself. Now that I understand the first bit by having recorded every day for over 2 months, I start to think about how to proceed. I really appreciate the process of learning video. But now I understand it, I do need a purpose. I …