When and where

If you make a plan, time and space are the only two real variables. At the same time, without time and space – when and where – your plan is useless. You can call it ‘not ready yet’. But if ready equals useful, not ready equals useless. Remember if you …


We tell our kids that everything will be fine. That their fears aren’t reality. Somewhere along the way we stop believing in what we tell our kids. The same goes for us. Our fears are projections. If you start thinking positive thoughts, the projections will change. And so will your …

The deadline

Right before the deadline, that’s not the moment to question it. Neither is it the moment to rethink necessity. If, of course, you made the right decision. But the window for questioning the decision was closed already some time ago. Now there’s the decision you made, and the work you …

Being sick

I’m sick now for nearly a week. Severe flu. As any health related issue, being sick is once again transforming. How less actually matters. What a blessing a good health is. It’s tragic and beautiful at the same time that we don’t see health for it’s true value, until we …