Impactful vs. Less

It’s as interesting as it is depressing to see how much time and energy people are spending on topics they have zero (potential) impact on, as opposed to utilizing their potential (Time x Energy) to start changing things for the better. Sharing worthless thoughts multiplies worthlessness. Changing things for the …

Reading the news

There’s safety in numbers. In thinking that you know what’s going on. But what does reading the news actually provide you with? What physical advantage do you gain? If you aim for focus, why do you insist on distracting yourself? There will always be deaths. There will always be taxes. …

The COVID-19 end game

Corona. We have never seen something like this before. We know pandemics from the movies and names in history books. Immunologists have seen this before. They have studied it. They understand the dynamics and unique nature and (un)predictability of viruses and infection diseases. One thing stuck with me from the …