Domains in life

Often domains in life are defined as ‘boxes’ and ’themes’. Goal is optimizing energy or health. Or life. And I see them every now and then, popping up somewhere. I’m interested in defining some as well, coming from my current worldview. I will probably to this sometimes again. Master the …

Time perspective

Only 100 years ago we’ve invented a car that more than 10X improved our mobility. Internet for the masses? 20 years. Mobile phones for the masses? 10 years. Smart homes for the masses? In 5 years. You see, we improve so rapidly. But remember that there was a time people …

Do and reflect

There’s two courses of action you can follow. Think and do. Or. Do and reflect. The first one most often proves that we have a voice in our heads that talks us out of things. The second one most often proves that life is richer and we grow faster when …

That’s not me

People sometimes say, to close their eyes for responsibilities they find hard to take. “Thats just not who I am.” And that’s fine by me. But just know that you’re fooling yourself by saying that. You are what you repeatedly do. Wise men say. And everyone is in the power to …