Here’s to doing better

I love to quote Mark Twain and say

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.”

In 2019 on November the 23rd, a year ago, I’ve had the honour of presenting my first book Collectie van Rampen. I’ll never forget that day. The Twain quote is in this ‘catastrophe journal’.

Moreover, today I realize that the change I had in mind for this book is not made to the slightest degree. I have to do better.

Publishing a book is something everyone can do, so I’d advice everyone to do so. There’s literally no excuse if you have aspirations.

But at the same time, if publishing the book is the goal and not a means to an end: nothing is going to change.

If we want to make change, commitments made and kept promises are going to make a difference.

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