There’s no such thing as winning or losing in a relationship.
Finite games have a known number of players, a clear objective and set rules. Football.
Infinite games have known and unknown players, the rules are changing and the goal is to stay in the game as long as possible, to perpetuate the game. Players can enter any given time and drop out because they lose the will to play or run out of resources.
Some of the most important things in life we treat as finite games, whilst they are actually infinite games. There’s no such thing as winning in business, in a relationship, or in sports. There’s only winning “for now”.
There’s no such thing as “I have won the relationship game”.
There’s no point in ‘winning’ an argument ín your relationship.
There’s no point in getting ‘your way’.
Often ‘your way’ is ‘your way “for now”‘. Because ‘your way’ is often a band aid, but not a solution to a problem.
Relationships in which both parties acknowledge and honor infinity will last longer.
In relationships in which this is not the case, it’s just waiting for someone to change the rules, run out of resources, or lose the will to play.
And in the end, no relationship is forever.
It’s up to you to decide to play the game.