Men flu

Most women know this.

Their man, every once in a while, has the ‘men flu’. It’s something like a real flu, cold, headache, light fever… But. In this case the symptoms and suffering is exaggerated strongly.

That strong man for the outside world, now needs hugs, kisses and needs to be treated like a kiddo. Men flu…

But men act this way, why?

You see, everything we experience is a narrative about our expectations and what we believe we deserve.

Men flu is nothing less than the need to every now and then have the ‘freedom’ not to be the ‘strong man’. But men, we don’t need to get ignited. We can just ask.

We all deserve some slack every now and then. We don’t need to play a role.

It’s when we let go of expectations, that we become truthful, joyful and satisfied people.

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