Ray Dalio’s book Principles is about principles that define your life.
If you know your principles, you know yourself, and if you define your principles, you can optimize.
Principles is the last book I bought. And I’m a regular book buyer.
What’s funny is that when I buy a book, I rarely read it in the same month.
I noticed that I’m not the only one. That some sort of rule that seems to apply is that we buy books by the title and cover and then we feel like we have absorbed the knowledge.
We store the book. As we do with many ‘read it later’ content in our lives: video’s, blogs, essays, books.
We humans feel like when we store content, we have absorbed the knowledge. But we don’t.
You only absorb knowledge when you walk the talk.
So I’d argue that it’s only valuable to buy a book, when you’re prepared to invest what it takes to use the knowledge inside.