Moving houses

We’ve helped my mother in law to move last week.

It wasn’t easy, wasn’t fun, and it was a mess. But we helped.

We thought (she told us) everything was ready and we only had to move some big stuff.

But we had to do everything. She was too opportunistic in planning and she had done just 10% of the preparation.

So we helped with everything.

To pack. To take apart cabinets. To sort out what to take and what not.

What I was reminded of is that moving requires insane planning and execution.

The big work, as with most things in life, is in the preparation.

Moving is one of the ‘big things’ in life. It’s a major event.

Major events require thorough planning and execution.

But not only major, small events require planning too.

Actually, in order to succeed, anything requires either planning or luck.

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