We have no opinion, only a need

When Spotify entered the playground, music changed.

Not because we people changed.

An unlimited amount of long-tail music became unlocked for everyone.

Algorithms decide what we listen to. We just provide it with our mood or just listen to the music we like. Algorithm does the rest.

And do we care that we don’t get to decide?

No. We don’t.

Listening to music via Spotify and comparable apps satisfies our need for tasty music. Or chill music, focus music, hard music, film music, old-skool music, music to perform, and the list goes on and on.

Our needs can be met in various ways.

We don’t care about the song, we only have the need for a feeling that is given to us by the song.

That’s our need.

And I think that music has quite some parallels to other stuff in life.

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