
Kids play all the time.

They experiment. And we adults encourage them.

We’re incredibly happy when they showcase a new skill. Even though they need the upcoming 10 or 20 years of polishing that skill until it’s mature.

We are their biggest fans.

When we encourage kids, they learn that failing is allright. That way they build self confidence.

“I can do this”

And from 2 years already, kids start saying “mama/papa, do self” (or something alike) or in Dutch “zelf doen”.

For the first +/- 10 years of our lives we grow by being encouraged during play.

And then, somewhere along the way, we lose the encouragement.

We discover the will to do something and then mostly focus on the things we’re bad at. Or positively stated, that we want to grow in.

At least thats our culture.

Encouragement lost in the mess of goals and purpose. And must do‘s.

Play is gone.

We want to be something. We want to go fast. And grow. And be wealthy. And famous.

We judge others on their performance and what they are. What they have become.

And we judge our hard skills and soft skills.

But the thing is: We don’t need to focus on the stuff we’re bad at to perform better.

The only thing we need is encouragement.

Encourage others a bit more today, and this year.

The effect will surprise you.

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