Happy. New. Year! And my best wishes and a solid health to you and your loved ones.
My last years January 1 post was about resolutions and values. I think this is a great Jan 1 post theme, so from now on it’s a ritual.
I live with values, instead of goals. I set goals, but I don’t derive my life happiness from meeting them. That’s why I set year values.
I derive my luck from solving the interesting puzzle that life is, to live up to those values.
The values for 2019 were
- Gratitude
- Optimism
- Generosity
Wow. And they matched my behavior and experience for this year quite well. They are a baseline now.
So let’s say we’re not creating a new North in this post, but build on last year.
This will provide me with direction in 2020.
- Relish: Cherish more of what I have, now what I can potentially buy will grow (here’s optimism). If I can have it all, I think it must be utmost wisdom and freedom to enjoy what I choose to have.
- Focus: Physical focus (being present) and in choices, do some stuff intensely good instead of doing it all.
There are some more, but not crystallized. Let’s say I will update this somewhere soon with my thoughts.
And I’m open for suggestions. Thoughts?