On practicing what we preach

I have a hard time promoting my new book: Collectie van Rampen (A collection of meltdowns; an anti-stress journal). And I make up a thousand reasons for myself why I have that hard time.

The thing is. I’m a marketer for a living. I connect great products with great people via stories. And exactly doing that isn’t easy for me with this book.

We humans have a very hard time practicing what we preach. That’s why they invented “practice what you preach” as a saying.

We know what to do, but it’s hard to actually do it.

If it wasn’t hard, we didn’t have to preach. Everyone would do it.

We like preaching to others what to do, and we’re happy that we don’t have to do it ourselves.

Or we’re afraid that what we preach isn’t actually working.

Or a mix of those two.

If we do practice, we don’t have to preach.

Our actions speak for themselves.

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