Motivational things for bad days file

Life’s not only highs.

Because highs are defined by lows.

If you know what’s cold, you know what’s warm.

I have learnt that when you face a low: you can complain, lower yourself, or go to work.

Sometimes when you want to go to work, you tell yourself stories not to.

I’m not good enough. This hill is too high. The pain is too much.

It’s “the voice” talking to me. I can change the voice, so that it helps me instead of talking me down.

I discovered that it works extremely motivating to look back at things I’m proud of.

Messages people have sent to me. Products I have created. Pictures that remind me of what I live for.

I store this in my motivation file. It’s for bad days. Or to make good days even better.

I think you should have one too.

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