A story telling workshop exercise

I know a man from some digital workshops I’m involved with.

So this man is amongst 15.000 people in a community. It’s quite the large community. There’s more content uploaded in one day than one man can consume in one week.

He stands out, I think it’s his generosity I noticed.

This man has a terminal disease, one where’s no cure for yet.

He speaks about family, his life occupation, his disease and so much more. He’s open, genuine and amongst the most wise men I have met recently.

He tells stories, wholeheartedly. Though sometimes he struggles to find the structure to make the stories more impactful and lasting. His stories need to be heard by more people.

We’re currently involved in the same storytelling workshop, and I’m grateful for that. It’s great that he seeks a way to find more structure, to make his stories even more powerful so that they spread.

And by the way, the disease he suffers is pathological optimism.

I hope that no one will ever find a cure.

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